Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Poultry, Rabbit and Cavy Workshops

Attention all youth who will be showing either Poultry, Rabbits or Cavies.  The monthly workshops have started and will continue thru spring and summer.  We have dates and topics set up for the first four months of 2016.

We have February 17th set for the topic of Breeding Market Rabbits for Fair.
Our March 16th meeting will be focusing on Poultry with Egg Production and Judging as the topic. Egg judging is a new class added to the 2016 Fair book.
On April 20th the topic will be Pose, Handle, Evaluating Cavies and Rabbits.

Currently all of these workshops will be at the MSU Extension Office conference room at 5:30 p.m. More workshops will be added for May - August as time approaches.  It is our hopes that during the summer months we will do workshops on various days of the week to help those with conflicting schedules fulfill their their requirements.

Our Fair book states that you must attend one meeting per specie.  Therefore if you show poultry and rabbits you must attend one rabbit meeting AND one poultry meeting.  Of course you are encouraged to attend more than the required meeting.

If you have any questions or are interested in the Rabbit and Cavy Expo teams contact Bryan Shirk at:    shirk_123@hotmail.com