Monday, April 3, 2023

Fair Booster Eat Stand

4-H Club leaders... don't forget to get your Fair Boosters Eat Stand Schedule back in to Kim McClellan before the April 30th deadline.  Fair Boosters email everyone on March 10th, you will find a form attached.

The Fair Booster Board gives 4-H clubs the first chance for the eat stand shifts during Fair Week.  Take a look at what shifts will work for your group and get the form turned back in.  They are 5 hour shifts and clubs earn a percentage of the sales during their work shift.  

What a GREAT opportunity to earn some funds for your club!!  Invite parents, friends, aunts and uncles to help work!!  Always a fun team effort by all who help.  Great opportunity to wear your 4-H club shirts!  Don't forget to advertise your shift with your friends... more sales mean more money in your club account!