Thursday, May 19, 2022

Small Animal Exhibitors


Attention Small Animal Exhibitors:


We will be hosting multiple workshops for rabbits, cavy, and egg.  We are asking for rabbit and cavy kids to bring their animals to the workshops. 


HOWEVER, due to HPAI (Avian Influenza) we are asking poultry exhibitors to leave their poultry at home. We will reassess the situation as the summer progress and plan showmanship workshops for exhibitors around the updating information of Influenza.


Workshop Dates are schedule  due to building availability and presenter availability. Please put the topics in your calendar that interest you. All workshops will be in the Show Shelter. 



Rabbit and Cavy Showmanship:

June 6,20 July 10,  Aug 1

Branch Buds: 5:30-6:30

Regular 4-H: 6:30-7:30


Egg Judging/Project Book: 

5:30: July 26


Market Rabbit Selecting/Judging:

5:30: June 28


Skill-A-Thon Preparation: 

5:30pm: June 29

(poultry and rabbits) 


Small Animal Barn Set Up : 

9:30am: July 31st. 

We will need zip ties, wire cutters, rakes, shovels, brooms, power washers, leaf blowers, and many many hands.