Monday, April 11, 2022

Need YQCA Training?

Youth Livestock Exhibitors   Make sure to download your certificate of completion before you exit your training.  You will need to upload it when you register for your projects for fair on the FairEntry program.

Horse ONLY Exhibitors:

The Branch County Fair health training for equine only exhibitors will  be available during April, May and June.  


Tom Guthrie, MSU Extension has shared:  My Horse University at Michigan State UniversityHorse Sense: Equine Youth Safety!

  • Eleven (11) courses are available
  • Branch County Youth need to complete 2 sessions of their choice this year
  • Each session runs about 40 minutes  
  • Participants must download certificate of completion of each session they choose
  • Certificates of completion must upload on their FairEntry on-line form
  • Session link is above